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Missouri- A Military History
Missouri can trace its military history back to the early exploreres Hernando de Soto and Robert de La Salle. The area that became the state of Missouri has been involved in every conflict in the nation’s history from the Revolutionary Warthe British and their American Indian allies attacked St. Louis on May 25, 1780, the only battle west of the Mississippi in that warto the present. The nineteenth century saw Missouri involved in many regional conflicts, such as the 1839 Iowa, or Honey, War over the disputed border between the two states and the unfortunate Mormon War which gave rise to the now infamous Extermination Order of Governor Lilburn Boggs, authorizing the forced eviction and killing of Joseph Smith’s followers. Missouri provided two regiments for service in the Mexican War, but it was the bitter border war with Kansas in the 1850s over slavery that began years of some of the most brutal fighting endured by any state in the Union. With the eruption of the Civil War, the conflict in Missouri took a fever pitch, with both the Union and the Confederacy desperately trying to keep the state and its citizens in their orbit. During the Civil War, African Americans saw battle for the first time at Island Mound, Bates County, in October 1863, months before Massachusetts organized its famous 54th Infantry Regiment. Missouri continued to support American military efforts, with tens of thousands of Missourians serving their country during World War I, including a young captain, Harry S Truman, commander of Battery D, 35th Infantry Division, and World War II. Missouri remains on the forefront of American military history with its National Guard providing exemplary service in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Complete with a list of historical sites and a comprehensive bibliography,Missouri: A Military History is an important reference for those interested in the role of the Show Me State” in our nation’s history.
- 作者: Machon, Charles D.
- 原文出版社:Westholme Pub Llc
- 出版日期:2019/07/15
- 語言:英文
Missouri- A Military History
北市副市長林欽榮昨舉行記者會,宣布市府明年將於內科、南港等地建置 1.26 萬盞智慧路燈,其中路燈還有車牌、人臉辨識功能,有助交通改善、分析與集會遊行安全調疏管理,不過卻被網友質疑,是否變相監控人民?對此,台北市長柯文哲今( 24 )日表示,政府會按照個資法的條件去做。
林欽榮昨表示,智慧路燈未來有幾個重要功能,首先是迎接 5G 時代的來臨,路燈可以供各電信業者放置接受器,此外路燈有車牌、人臉辨識功能,有助交通改善、分析與集會遊行安全調疏管理,路燈本身也有節電功能,未來也可以在上頭建置空氣盒子,測試 PM2.5 。
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